Federal Aid

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Applying for Financial Aid

At University of Arkansas Grantham, we work hard to make the financial aid process as easy as possible. Part of that is not setting a priority date deadline so you can submit your FAFSA at any time. But it still takes time. So, start as early as possible. This can help determine your eligibility before classes begin.

For online schools that accept financial aid, like University of Arkansas Grantham, start with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. This helps determine your eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA), from federal grants to how much you can borrow through federal student loan programs.

How to Apply For Aid

Before you start the process, you’ll want to gather some important information such as government-issued identification, tax records, and other financial records.
UA Grantham's FAFSA School code—041223
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Step 1: Submit Your FAFSA

From federal grants to federal student loans to some scholarships, the first step of the financial aid process begins with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You’ll need University of Arkansas Grantham’s school code—041223—to complete your application.

Step 2: Review Your Options

Once your FAFSA has been reviewed, you will be contacted with the details regarding your financial aid package, including grants, scholarships and loan options.

Step 3: Choose Your Assistance

Once you know your Financial aid package details, select the financial aid you want to use. First-time financial aid recipients with UA Grantham are required to complete the online Student Loan Entrance Counseling Requirement. This will go over your options and responsibilities should you choose to accept financial aid.

Four Financial Aid Tips

Your education is too important to take chances. So, we put together a video that walks you through the financial aid process.

Deeper Dive

There are a number of financing options available. Here’s your opportunity to take a deeper dive into specific areas of financial aid:

Connect with a Financial
Aid Specialist

Are you ready for a high-quality degree program at an online school that accepts financial aid? We can help—our advisors can walk you through your options.
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